Our Mission

The mission of AWEC-AFRICA is to promote the well-being and raise standards of living among families by economically and socially empowering women, girls, and children through awareness and education activities.

Our Vision

We envision thriving communities, households and individuals with economic well-being, access to quality education, better health, and employment.

How We Work

We engage the different stakeholders to meet the needs of the targeted beneficiaries

We collaborate with individuals who include boys, fathers and husbands. We network with other organizations both locally and internationally to fulfil our goals.

We welcome and encourage you all individuals with a heart to use your gifts and serve the different needs of our women, girls and their families.
Wherever you are, Whatever you can do.

Our direct beneficiaries are women and girls. Equipping and empowering them will overflow to husbands, fathers, men and boys, their families, loved ones, andcommunity.

We have different projects for the Organization. Current and future projects that are aimed at meeting the needs of the women, children and girls.

See our active projects and campaign just below

Under this program, AWEC-AFRICA aims to provide the women and girls with an opportunity to have access to resources, knowledge and information and encourage them to attain purpose in the skills acquired. The focus is on life skills to adolescents, vocational skills training to young adult and teenage mothers and school dropouts, leadership skills training, natural resource management,  among others. Important to note is that all the efforts of Skills for Community Based Development target the vulnerable rural women and girls. AWEC-AFRICA recognizes the fact that lack of access to information, knowledge and skills is a significant inhibitor to self-reliance.

Under the E&FE program, AWEC-AFRICA aims to provide women with the means to enable them save, invest, increase income, build capital and cope with emergencies for improved food security and reduced vulnerability at household level. This program supports genuine self-reliance. The focus is on Community Managed Micro-Finance, Enterprise development, Business Development Skills, Selection Planning & Management of Income Generating Activities, Financial Literacy.  AWEC-AFRICA recognizes that rural women in particular have low/no capacity to access and utilize financial services and this is a significant inhibitor to increase levels of working capital and household income.

Under the E&FE program AWEC-AFRICA has established AWEC SACCO with currently 5 women Saving and Credit groups registered and accessing credit.

Through this program, AWEC-AFRICA aims to bring women to redemptive knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and have them rooted and established in Him; through Fellowships, counseling sessions, one on one visits, prayer retreats and having women conferences and seminars.

On an individual level, everyone needs partnership and support from their families and communities. The main objective of this program is to create an empowering environment for the women, men, girls and boys to realize their collective contribution to their families and communities for sustainable  development in a violence free environment with sovereignty over their lives and the right to make their individual choices. Here AWEC-AFRICA works towards creating awareness on gender issues and human rights to prevent Gender Based Violence.

AWEC-AFRICA acknowledges that poor health incapacitates households from actively participating in activities geared towards holistic development of the community. It is observed that health is critical for the survival and development of women as well as for the economic well being of their families. The emphasis here is on improved sanitation and hygiene with a significant amount of health and hygiene education across the community. The approach to sanitation and hygiene is to see rural women meet their right to safe, reliable and affordable water supplies, to hygienic sanitation and to a clean environment. HIV/AIDS and COVID awareness and sensitization and nutrition support.


Having been raised by a single mother in an extended family of 5 girls and other family members I witnessed how my mother worked tirelessly to provide for all our basic needs. She worked 6 days a week in the local market selling clothes in order to pay all our school fees, provide shelter, food and medicine when we were ill. At twelve years I got a burden and promised that when I grow up I will empower all women who toil to feed, educate and take care of their children.

Namusabi Mariam Founder & CEO

Having been raised by a single mother in an extended family of 5 girls and other family members I witnessed how my mother worked tirelessly to provide for all our basic needs. She worked 6 days a week in the local market selling clothes in order to pay all our school fees, provide shelter, food and medicine when we were ill. At twelve years I got a burden and promised that when I grow up I will empower all women who toil to feed, educate and take care of their children.

Namusabi Mariam Founder & CEO

Having been raised by a single mother in an extended family of 5 girls and other family members I witnessed how my mother worked tirelessly to provide for all our basic needs. She worked 6 days a week in the local market selling clothes in order to pay all our school fees, provide shelter, food and medicine when we were ill. At twelve years I got a burden and promised that when I grow up I will empower all women who toil to feed, educate and take care of their children.

Namusabi Mariam Founder & CEO

Having been raised by a single mother in an extended family of 5 girls and other family members I witnessed how my mother worked tirelessly to provide for all our basic needs. She worked 6 days a week in the local market selling clothes in order to pay all our school fees, provide shelter, food and medicine when we were ill. At twelve years I got a burden and promised that when I grow up I will empower all women who toil to feed, educate and take care of their children.

Namusabi Mariam Founder & CEO

Some Of The Recent Stories

“HEWT – Human Empowerment and Welfare Trust Foundation in partnership with Awec-Africa gave loans to Awec-Africa women and these are some of the success stories

“HEWT – Human Empowerment and Welfare Trust Foundation in partnership with Awec-Africa gave loans to Awec-Africa women and these are some of the success stories

Story# 1 (Kilema Rebecca, Awec-Africa, Uganda) I was a housewife and always desired to work because life was very hard…

Halimah Testimony for saving with Awec-Africa

Halimah Testimony for saving with Awec-Africa

Every year we evaluate the benefits of saving with Awec-Africa.  And the testimonies are always beautiful to listen to. They…

Awec-Africa Saving Groups now Digitalised

Awec-Africa Saving Groups now Digitalised

Over the recent months, our Savings Groups of Awec-Africa have undergone transformative #digitization training facilitated by @Ensibuuko. Now, equipped with…